Profile of New Hires
In the past three years, we at Great Colleges have seen the number of respondents who reported working at their institutions for less than one year grow — from representing 5% of our total respondents to 9% of our total respondents. Comparatively, respondents with more than 25 years at their institutions steadily comprised about 5% of total respondents over that same time period. It is well documented that workers across industries, including (and perhaps, more frequently) within higher education, have been leaving their old jobs for new positions, particularly in the last year. Employees are certainly leaving for better pay, increased flexibility, more autonomy, and so forth, but they are also leaving because the economy has afforded them more job opportunities lately. Knowing this, we decided to take a closer look at who is new on campus and how these “freshmen” of sorts are perceiving, and changing, their new employers.
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